Monday 18 April 2011

what I've learned from our event!!!!!!

kita kadang mikir,buat apa seh gabung dgn club yg org "bilang",,,
ga eksis sama sekali,,,
tpi kita bkalan menyadari apa hikmah dari semua ny,,,
setelah kita menjalani ny,,,
sometimes i'm so damn tired with all the things that needed to handle,,,
dgn ada ny acara ini,,,
level emosi dari setiap org beda,,,
dari sini lah kita bklan mengetahui,,,
mna yg patut d hargai,,,
mana yg ga patut dihargai sama sekali,,,
emang kita semua bekerja,,,
tpi level yg d dapat dri setiap pembagian tugas itu berbeda,,,
bkan berarti saya perhitungan,,,,
tpi hnya sekedar pe reminds buat semua,,
kita semua capek!!!!!!
capek dgn sikap yg sok bossy,dgn sikap yg "selama ini lu yg kerja",,,
capek dgn segala hal TENTANG LU!!!!!
hanya itu yg gw dapt dri kerja untuk kita,,,
bkan karna capek dgn event ny,,,
tpi capek dgn org yg ga bsa menghargai seperti lu,,,
to be honest!!!!
we can live without u,,,
if u think that i'm the cruelest person in the world,,,
and it's doesn't matter for me,,,
as long as u r not being involved in our next event,,,
we are all tired with this event,,,
but it worth!!!!!!!
just be mature,,,
hopes that next event will have such a person who can cooperate with us,,,
maybe i'm not that GOOD,,,
but i know how to handle myself,,,
i know how to be cooperate with people who like to be cooperating person,,,
n for last,,,
I LOVE our event,,,
i really DO,,,

coz of this event,,
i know that Indonesia has such a beautiful cultural n nice people,,,
for those who feel regret with this event,,,
can u think about it anymore???
what did u get from this event,,,
is it only bad thing???
please do compare it,,,

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