should we still complaining when we have the newest gadget in our hand??
when we have house to stay during day and night??and when this hunger strikes, we can buy anything we want because we have plenty of pennies in our pocket??
while out there...
there are many of people who doesn't have enough money to go school...
who doesn't enough money to buy just a simple medicine...
even there are plenty people out there who doesn't even enough money to buy their food.
here is a very touching story that i just read...
Hari masih pagi, ketika Soekarna mengayuh sepedanya dengan perlahan di Jalan Jagakarsa, Kelurahan Jagakarsa, Kecamatan Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan, Rabu (15/5/2013). Soekarna harus berhati-hati membawa sepedanya karena anaknya yang berumur empat tahun terbaring di stang sepedanya.
Selembar plastik hitam menutupi badan bocah itu untuk melindungi dari curahan air hujan, yang saat itu gerimis mengguyur jalanan Ibu Kota yang dilewati Soekarna. Kaki mungil sang anak terjuntai tak bertenaga di atas tumpukan kertas yang menjadi alas badannya.
Seorang pengendara motor berjalan lambat sejajar kepada Soekarna. "Maaf pak, kenapa anaknya kok ditutup kantung kresek?" tanya si pengendara motor.
Dengan lirih, Soekarna menjawab, "Anak saya sakit, tapi saya tidak punya uang." Terpancar ekspresi kebingungan di raut wajahnya.
Lelaki asal Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat, itu kebingungan bagaimana mengobati anaknya yang sakit. Tak mudah memang bagi warga miskin seperti dirinya ketika didera masalah kesehatan. Si pengendara motor kemudian memberikan sedikit uang kepada Soekarna dengan tujuan agar anaknya yang sakit segera dibawa berobat.
Soekarna terus mengayuh sepedanya, melaju dari arah Setu Babakan menuju Pasar Minggu. Jika di bagian depan sepedanya terbaring anaknya yang sakit, maka di bagian belakang (boncengan) sepedanya penuh dengan berbagai barang bawaan. Ada tumpukan kardus, sangkar burung yang telah rusak dan sebuah tas lusuh menemani perjalanannya.
source :
let me translate it in simple a way...
there is this middle-aged man who is cycled slowly in south Jakarta.
his name is Soekarna.
he has to be careful because his four-years-old son is lying on his bicycle handlebar.
black plastic sheet is covering the body of his son to protect him form rainfall.
the child's tiny feet is dangling limp on a pile of paper for his base.
a motorist is running slowly aligned with him.
"sorry sir. why you have to cover your son with that plastic bag?". asked the motorist.
and softly Soekarna replied "my son is sick. but I don't have any money". radiated confusion on his face.
he was wondering how to treat his son. it is not easy for poor people like him when he has to face health problem.
The motorist then give him a little bit money for his son to be immediately taken for treatment.
lemme give you a conclusion of this blog...
is it still reasonable for us to complain in all the will that we want is fulfilled?
think again...
are you have the right to complain while you have everything in you hand??
and are you still have to complain about how this life is not fair just because your parent doesn't give you enough money to buy the newest gadget that you want?
think again...
there are so many people out there has to think HARD how to survive just for today...
how to work their ass off just to earn enough money to buy food for today...
and now here you are...
crying your ass off on the floor just because your parent doesn't give you enough money to buy that branded make up...
think again...
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think how much child dies in one day while you don't wanna eat your food just because you don't like it. |
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he is still young but look at him... he deserve more than this... |
we don't have the right to complain about life while we have enough food to eat...
enough place to live...
and enough money to go to school while the others has nothing...
life is not fair while you think is not..
positive thinking and always be thankful for everything you have...
god is always knows what is the best for us...
love and peace...
:) :)