it had been 2 years since we had been together...
even it had been 2 weeks since i left Indosoul...
and finally now it's time to move on...
quite difficult thou...
but I have to....
looking at Indosoul's page makes me realise....
"oh I am not part of Indosoul anymore...
no more my name is written there...
not even my partner in singing..."
quite sad...
I'm totally having mental break down...
I love to sing like a lot...
I thought that I couldn't do anything without Indosoul...
I don't know if I could sing anymore...
but I'll try my best not to forget that I love to sing...
thank you Indosoul...
thank you for giving me the best memory that I'll never forget...
thank you for always make it possible for us to have fun in our way...
had to choose song for the event...
had to practice during our precious weekend...
and had to sacrifice our night even had to skip class for our rehearsal...
thank you thank you thank you...
even I'm not going to perform with you guys again...
and even I can't use Indosoul's name behind my name again...
but Indosoul always in my heart....
will always be there...
good luck for your future...
hope with all your new member...
Indosoul will have a brighter future...
and I also hope that the new member will give Indosoul something that we couldn't give before...
all the best...
Ps : Happy 2nd anniversary Indosoul...( 5 april 2011 - 5 april 2013 )
our first even and first being together...
and our last time and last event that put us together...
and thank you thank you thank you...
much love and peace...